


    OPEN FOR REGISTRATION !!!!!!!!       HURRY UP....

More Activities : 
                                    CowBoy Town
                                    Water World Theme Park
                                    Seafood and Beverages
Hotel Room              :  RM 310.90 NETT Per Night ( Include 2 set Breakfast ) x 2 days
Ticket Price              :  RM 71 / adult  & RM 56 / Child ( Cowboy Town , Safari , Water World )
Dinner                       :  RM 52.20 / adult NETT & RM 37.10 / Child NETT ( Buffet Dinner )

TOTAL COST          :  RM 868 Nett ( for 2 Adult )
                                     RM 93.10 Nett ( for 1 Child ) 

SPECIAL ORDER   :  VILLA 4 ROOMS : RM 960.50 Nett Per Night
                                       Per UNIT ( Include 8 Set Breakfast )
                                       ** ticket and dinner price still remain the same.


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Kemaman Kopitiam

Kemaman Kopitiam @ Kuantan

It was a nice coincidence that the budget hotel I booked at Kuantan is conveniently located just across Hai Peng Kopitiam. But luck seemed to avoid me. Not only our planned trip to Sungai Lembing to check out the magnificient “sea cloud” was marred by a flash flood, Hai Peng was also closed for that particular two days we spent at Kuantan. Disappointed, I searched the GPS for any Kopitiam nearby just for a quick coffee break. Then we found Kemaman Kopitiam, which seemed familiarly well known so off we went.


They just had a facelift recently. After comparing the before (photos I found online) and after (when I was there) I could say the old, nostalgic ambiance is gone. Now, it feels like just like another Old Town along with the thousands of other kopitiams we have in Malaysia.


Hot coffee. I like how they purposely left a touch of coffee powder undissolved, still floating on your cuppa. It had a strong and thick taste, ada oomph.


Now this is something new to me. Instead of serving them in cups, Kemaman Kopitiam actually seals the coffee in a plastic container (not so environmentally friendly, I know) so you could easily take it out later if you want.


The Nasi Lemak Special with Lemongrass Chicken was great, it comes with a whole boneless chicken thigh that had been nicely marinated and some spicy sambal. The type that I have always preferred. Even though the chicken looked rather dry from outside but it was surprisingly juicy when we cut open the flesh. This is definitely one of the better nasi lemak I had so far for kopitiam standards. If I remembered correctly it was priced around RM13-15, not cheap but certainly worth trying.


Instead of normal or those cholesterol free and omega rich eggs, you could get free-range chicken (kampung chicken) eggs here at Kemaman Kopitiam. The yolks are visibly broader with more orange color.


I like my coffee ‘kao kao’ so I was tempted to buy their coffee powder, sold in the kopitiam itself. But I felt it was kinda pricey. Maybe next time, when I get to the original branch of Kemaman Kopitiam in Terrengganu. Anyway, although I feel the food and drinks here are better than the average kopitiam, hygiene practice by the waiting staff is much to be desired. I don’t want to comment too much on that but I feel you should be informed. If you see anything unfit, be sure to voice out.

Kemaman Kopitia Sdn Bhd
No. A-1, Jalan Tun Ismail -1,
Kuantan Perdana,
25000 Kuantan
GPS Co-ordinates: N3 49.022 E103 19.866
Tel: 09 5173559

Bukit Gambang Resort City (BGRC)

Bukit Gambang Water Park offers non-stop fun and excitement in an area spanning across 45.8 acres! Among the unique and fascinating attractions available include a man-made 17.1-acre lake with breathtaking views and also suitable for a wide variety of fun water sports.

Check out the 24,000 sq ft wave pool that will surely offer a whale of a time! You wouldn’t want to miss the family river raft rides and the amazing 6 Lane Racer slides with a timing scoreboard.

Every adult ride in the park comes with its own kid-sized replica. Not only can children enjoy getting wet in rides created with them in mind, the plentiful children-only additions may make even adults wish they were young again. With the Children Fantasy Island (“Penguin Island”), Special Kidz Zone, The Adventure Typhoon River as well as a 1 kilometer long man-made sandy beach, never-ending fun and merriment awaits for the young and the young-at-heart!

The Joys of Cashless Transactions

Carrying a purseful of money while you’re trying to have fun is a real party pooper. Wouldn’t it be
great is everything was charged electrically to your account instead? You’ll be able to do just
that at Bukit Gambang Water Park utilising what is the first of its kind e-value system in
Malaysia; all transactions are automatically deducted from a prepaid wristband. So just
walk up to the stall of your nearest F&B stall, pick out your favourite item and pay for
it with your pre-loaded wristband. Now, that’s real convenience for you!

Special Promotions
Cabana Rental
Operation Hours
Copyright © Bukit Gambang Resort City.

Resepi Patin Masak Tempoyak

Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak

Sesekali layan menu orang Temerloh plak ye... hehehe.. Bebaru ni cik abang ku beli ikan patin ni sekor.. separuh ku gulai tempoyak & separuh lagi digoreng garing & buat sambal cilipadi pedas2... Kalau masak tempoyak.. aku tak berapa suka sangat.. tapi yang disambal pedas2 dengan cili padi tu boleh gaklah layan tapi sikit2 jelah... Tak tau kenapa tekak ni tak berapa boleh terima ikan patin ni.. bukan nak sombong dengan ikan sungai.. sebabnya ikan2 sungai yang lain aku boleh makan.. tapi dengan patin ni tak berapa sangatlahh.. kalau masak patin lebih2 kalau digulai tempoyak.. jawapnya.. cik abang sorang jelah yg makan.. hehehe..

Resepinya ikut cara mertua ku yer.. maklumlahh.. kalau belah family aku bab2 ikan sungai ni memang tak pandai sangat... belah mertua memang terer ler maklum ler rumah pun dekat dengan sungai.... hehe..

1 ekor ikan patin ~ potong & bersihkan
1 sudu besar asam jawa
20 ~ 30 biji cili padi (bergantung kepedasan yg anda mahu)
1 buku kunyit hidup (lebih kurang 2 inci)
3 sudu besar penuh tempoyak
1 helai daun kunyit atau daun kesum (mana2 pun boleh)
1 kuntum bunga kantan..
air secukupnya
garam secukupnya

Cara menyediakan
1) Ikan patin dibersihkan & digaul dengan sesudu besar asam jawa yang diramas bersama sedikit air. Biarkan seketika sebelum dibilas bersih.
2) Tumbuk cili padi, kunyit hidup hingga lumat.. masukkan tempoyak dan tumbuk & adun rata.
3) Masukkan bahan tumbuk dalam periuk dan bancuh dengan air. Masukkan air secukupnya.
4) Jerang di atas api lalu dimasukkan daun kunyit atau kesum dan bunga kantan serta garam secukupnya.
5) Masukkan ikan dan masak hingga ikan masak & secukup rasa. Kepekatan kuah ikut selera masing2 ye.

Ini yang dimasak dah lama dulu... versi yg agak pekat.. kat atas tu versi agak cair.. ikut selera masing2lah ye..
Selamat mencuba!

Satay At Kuantan

Satay Zul @ Terminal Satay Zul, Kuantan


A visit to Kuantan wouldn’t be complete without trying the locals’ favorite satay – Satay Zul. From what I observed, Satay Zul’s popularity is immense, as the restaurant was full in ten minutes just after it was open. And the queue of take-away customers were already starting to build up.


One unusual thing I noticed about Satay Zul is that they do not give free cucumber and onion, you acually have to order and pay for them separately. I am not sure if this is an east-coast-satay-restaurant policy or only Satay Zul is practicing it but I am sure most of us are used to having those greens included with our satays FOC. If anyone could enlighten me on this please do so.


Now for the golden question: How does Satay Zul stack up against Haji Samuri? (I chose Haji Samuri because of their similar level of popularity and operation size) Well, I certainly felt Satay Zul is the better one for two main reasons: non oily satay sauce (personal preference) and cleanliness.
To be honest, although the chicken satay (RM0.60) here is meaty and tastes good, it is not a lot better than those you could get from your local pasar malam. What I find to be really memorable is the beef satay (RM0.70), surprisingly so much more tender than the chicken satay. Combined with the perfect marinade the taste is pretty intense, but not to the extent of robbing the beef of its natural flavor.


The clean and tidy looking restaurant, there are two floors of seating. Besides satay, they also serve very nice looking nasi impit (when you see it you will know why) and nasi lemak with fried chicken. So you could actually have a normal meal here with satay being the side dishes.



The grilling of satay is done outdoors, very eye catching for those traveling on the road en-route to Teluk Cempedak beach. If you are heading there, you won’t miss Satay Zul.


Due to the bad weather our activities in Kuantan were really limited. Besides eating there’s not many things we could do lol. Moreover Satay Zul only opens for dinner, meaning I had to drive back to KL at night. But we stayed on anyway and it proved to be a correct decision. At least they lived up to the reputation they are currently enjoying. I could imagine my regret if I left Kuantan without having a taste of Satay Zul. I did it once (left London without trying Fish n Chips) so no way I am going to repeat that lol.

Terminal Satay Zul
Jalan Teluk Sisek
Kuantan, Malaysia
GPS Coordinates: N3 48.596 E103 19.814
Operating hours: Daily (6pm onwards)

Pesta Durian

Pesta Durian

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau

Pesta Durian @ Anjung Indah, Balik Pulau

This Durian festival was organised by the state government. I went there during the last week of June. the festival ends on 30th June 2011. For durian lovers… no worries for u guys lar… cheaper durian can be found any place in Balik Pulau, even in town you may find alot in cheap price as the peak season is in corner. A mini non-branded durian may cost as cheap as RM1.

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - My Durian 1

My Durian

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - Newspaper Cutting

Newspaper Cutting

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - Huge Parking Area

Huge Parking Area

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - 308 Durian Estate

308 Durian Estate Stall

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - 308 Durian Estate 2

308 Durian Estate Stall

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - Durian 2


Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - Durian 1

More Durian-sss

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - My Durian 2

My Durian

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - My Durian 5

My Durian

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - My Durian 3

My Durian… Left Half…

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - My Durian 4

My Durian… Total damage: RM45 – quite expensive for only 2

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - Mangosteen 1

And Mangosteen…

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - Mangosteen 2

Mangosteen – 1KG RM7.00 – quite expensive as u can find at other place at RM5/kg

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - My Mangosteen

My Mangosteen

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - My Mangosteen 2

Closer View Of My Mangosteen

Pesta Durian @ Balik Pulau - My Mangosteen 3

My Mangosteen…

ATV Rides at GBRC

Enjoy total non-stop action at Active academy. This BGRC department is the place to go to for the ultimate outdoor adventure. Get down and dirty with ATV rides, paintball battles, jungle trekking and more. The academy’s panel of event professionals is ever ready to assist corporate bodies and
in-house guests alike to plan their teambuilding
sessions. It’s a great way to get
re-acquainted with friends,
family and colleagues.

Teambuilding @ BGRC

BGRC offers Teambuilding programs that will take participants through the various stages of
dependence, inter-dependence and finally, independence in a very interactive, fast-pace and highly
energizing environment. Our programs are carefully designed to help participants learn more about
themselves and working as a team member. Besides improving self-confidence and building trust among
themselves, participants will acquire great leadership and cohesive teamwork skills, making them self-starters in their
respective departments and workplace. Participants are taught that in life, they will be constantly posed with challenges.

Sara Thai Kitchen by Wan Seafood & Tomyam @ Jalan Gambut, Kuantan

Was at Kuantan a few days ago and had an awesome seafood meal at Sara Thai Kitchen. It was sheer luck that we stumbled upon this popular Thai restaurant among the locals, as our hotel was only a stone’s throw away. Being a coastal town, seafood is abundance and fresh. Best of all the dishes are so affordable and may I even say cheap! You simply won’t get this kind of pricing in KL.


Ikan Siakap Goreng Tiga Rasa @ RM30. The fish was done perfectly with a crispy outside while retaining its its soft, flaky texture inside. Its size was huge, enough to be shared among 4-5 people and very fresh without any hint of farmed taste.
Siakap is one of the most popular fishes in Thai cuisine, usually steamed in a garlic lime juice (Sara Thai Kitchen’s signature style) But since we already had a steamed fish in our last dinner we decided to try a different style. The sweet, sour and spicy the sauce combined with the natural sweetness of the fish creates an appetizing flavor that would leave you asking for more.


The staff told me Tomyam is their specialty so I was left with quite a high expectation. Maybe because of that, I wasn’t too impressed with the taste – it wasn’t as fantastic as I thought it would be. Don’t get me wrong though, the Tomyam is good and had generous amount of seafood. Plus, how could you possibly complain when the price is only RM6?


It looks far from being a curry but this in fact is Sotong Goreng Kari. Despite that I absolutely loved this dish thanks to the freshness of the squids, which are tip-top quality. Also RM6 only for a medium portion.


The Lala Sos Tiram (RM6 for sederhana) was full of flavor and of course not to mention fresh and juicy as well.


The meal came to a total of just RM48 without any tax or service charge. It was definitely money well spent considering the high quality ingredients used to prepare the tasty dishes. While there are other restaurants in Kuantan that serve even cheaper seafood like Tanjung Lumpur, they just couldn’t produce the same savory taste. Among the various foods we had in Kuantan during our short stay, I consider this the best, and worth a recommendation.

Sara Thai Kitchen (Wan Seafood & Tomyam)
B42, Jalan Gambut,
25000 Kuantan, Pahang (Opposite Grand Continental Hotel)
GPS Coordinates: N3 48.730 E103 19.779
Tel: 012-9379322 / 012-9465591


New Incoming Events

Resort Address

Jalan Bukit Gambang Utama
Bukit Gambang Resort City
26300 Kuantan
Pahang Darul Makmur

Tel:+609-548 8000
Fax:+609-548 6888

Date : 17,18,19 February 2012

all right reserved @ 2011 kzbgroup