
Satay At Kuantan

Satay Zul @ Terminal Satay Zul, Kuantan


A visit to Kuantan wouldn’t be complete without trying the locals’ favorite satay – Satay Zul. From what I observed, Satay Zul’s popularity is immense, as the restaurant was full in ten minutes just after it was open. And the queue of take-away customers were already starting to build up.


One unusual thing I noticed about Satay Zul is that they do not give free cucumber and onion, you acually have to order and pay for them separately. I am not sure if this is an east-coast-satay-restaurant policy or only Satay Zul is practicing it but I am sure most of us are used to having those greens included with our satays FOC. If anyone could enlighten me on this please do so.


Now for the golden question: How does Satay Zul stack up against Haji Samuri? (I chose Haji Samuri because of their similar level of popularity and operation size) Well, I certainly felt Satay Zul is the better one for two main reasons: non oily satay sauce (personal preference) and cleanliness.
To be honest, although the chicken satay (RM0.60) here is meaty and tastes good, it is not a lot better than those you could get from your local pasar malam. What I find to be really memorable is the beef satay (RM0.70), surprisingly so much more tender than the chicken satay. Combined with the perfect marinade the taste is pretty intense, but not to the extent of robbing the beef of its natural flavor.


The clean and tidy looking restaurant, there are two floors of seating. Besides satay, they also serve very nice looking nasi impit (when you see it you will know why) and nasi lemak with fried chicken. So you could actually have a normal meal here with satay being the side dishes.



The grilling of satay is done outdoors, very eye catching for those traveling on the road en-route to Teluk Cempedak beach. If you are heading there, you won’t miss Satay Zul.


Due to the bad weather our activities in Kuantan were really limited. Besides eating there’s not many things we could do lol. Moreover Satay Zul only opens for dinner, meaning I had to drive back to KL at night. But we stayed on anyway and it proved to be a correct decision. At least they lived up to the reputation they are currently enjoying. I could imagine my regret if I left Kuantan without having a taste of Satay Zul. I did it once (left London without trying Fish n Chips) so no way I am going to repeat that lol.

Terminal Satay Zul
Jalan Teluk Sisek
Kuantan, Malaysia
GPS Coordinates: N3 48.596 E103 19.814
Operating hours: Daily (6pm onwards)

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